renewable energy

windshare wind turbine, toronto

The WindShare/Toronto Hydro wind turbine at the CNE.

This is very old. It's kept for mostly historical reasons.

Concentrating on community-based power in Ontario. Very, very preliminary at the moment.



Paul Gipe has written some of the best books on the subject. My favourite book of his is Wind Energy Comes Of Age (John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, 1995. ISBN: 0-471-10924-X). It gives a good overview of the technology, and a rare look into the impact on society of wind energy.

The Renewable Energy Handbook for Homeowners, by Bill Kemp. Good book by a local author.

If you just want the heavy theory, the Wind Energy Handbook (Burton, Sharpe, Jenkins & Bossanyi. pub John Wiley & Sons, 2001. ISBN: 0-471-48997-2) has everything you need. Based on the famous Loughborough Wind Energy Course (formerly at Imperial College, London, where I took it), it's absurdly complete.

The Assessment and Rating of Noise from Wind Farms (ETSU-R-97) (PDF) — this is the grand-daddy of wind energy noise documents. Though rather old, and not without its faults (mostly to do with its age), ETSU-R-97 has stood up to more than a decade of intense scrutiny. As there didn't seem to be a searchable copy on the web, I compiled this from the fragments on the DTI website, and then ran it through Acrobat's OCR module. The OCR should be accurate enough for search engines to find relevant citations; please don't rely on this text as gospel.